



  • 15/30mm2 有效晶体面积
  • 在用户电镜上保证Mn Kα≤129eV分辨率(@100,000cps)
  • 最大计数率超过1Mcps
  • 全部零件现场可更换,保证更少的宕机时间
  • 支持三个软件平台:

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Xplore是SEM常规分析所用新一代EDS探测器。探测器有效晶体面积为15/30mm2 ,应用范围广泛。

Xplore使用了Ultim Max探测器中诸多新技术,它提供了实时EDS分析所需的快速数据采集,同时保证了常规分析所需的自动可靠的结果。

速度-Extreme电路与X1脉冲处理器的结合使Xplore能够以1,000,000 cps的计数率进行面分布分析,并以100,000 cps的速度进行准确定量分析


Extreme电路-Xplore结合了先进的Extreme电路,提供尽可能低的噪音信号检测和处理。确保在高计数率下获得优异的能量分辨率和谱图质量,保证在100,000 cps下获得129eV Mn Kα分辨率

Use our handy comparison table below to help you choose the best software option for you between AZtecLiveOne and AZtecLiveLite.

AZtecLiveOne AZtecLiveLite
Analyser Navigator/Step (Spectrum Acquisition)
Point&ID Navigator/Step (Spectrum Acquisition)
Mapping Navigator/Step (Map Acquisition)
LineScan Navigator/Step (LineScan Acquisition)
LiveSpectrum for AZtecLiveOne with Live Spectrum Viewer (Live chemical analysis)
LiveMapping for AZtecLiveOne (Live Chemical Imaging) Optional
AZtecOne AutoLock (Drift correction for AZtecLiveOne software) Optional
AZtecLiveStep (Live Chemical Imaging)
AZtecLiveTrace (Records locations visited during ‘Live’ analysis) Optional Upgrade Pack
Image Registration (use imported image to navigate in microscope) – also works on SEM images Optional Upgrade Pack
AZtec Standardisation Manager (Input users standards) Optional Upgrade Pack
Report Template Editor (Create your own report templates) Optional Upgrade Pack
Custom Mode (Configurable user interface) Optional Upgrade Pack
AZtec AutoLayer (Automatically combine electron image and X-ray maps in a single image) Optional Upgrade Pack
AZtec TruMap (Overlap and background corrected mapping) Optional Optional
AZtec AutoLock (Drift correction for AZtecLive Software) Optional
AZtec AutoPhaseMap (Automatic phase analysis) Optional
AZtec QuantMap (Quantitative Mapping and Linescanning) Optional
AZtec Large Area Mapping Optional
AZtec MapQueue (Automated point map acquisitions) Optional
AZtecFeature Analysis (Automated Particle Analysis software) Optional
AZtecSteel (automated analysis and classification of non-metallic inclusionsin steel - Requires MS Office and AZtecFeature) Optional
AZtecGSR Package (Gun Shot Residue analysis – requires AZtecFeature) Optional
AZtecClean (Measure the Technical cleanliness of components to industrial standards - requires AZtecFeature) Optional
AZtecAM (Automated analysis of particles used in Additive Manufacturing– requires AZtecFeature) Optional
AZtecMineral - automates the acquisition of EDS data and morphological information from geological materials. The accompanying post-processing application, GrainAlyser2, includes the option to classify against a database containing >4000 mineral compositions. Optional
AZtec LayerProbe(Calculates thicknesses and compositions of multi-layer structures) Optional
AZtecLiveOne for AZtecLive (Add AZtecLiveOne functionality to an AZtecLive installation) Optional



  • 失效分析
  • 质量控制
  • SEM下常见法医鉴定


  • 快速定位质量控制样品和正常样品进行点分析,获得谱图实时对比。


  • 生产和销售假冒药品是一个全球性的问题(估计每年损失1600亿美至2000亿美元)。此外,除了金钱上的损失,还有潜在的有害产品进入消费领域的风险。
  • AZtecLive可以帮助您轻松看到品牌产品和可疑假冒产品之间的关键元素成分及分布的不同或相似之处。


  • 造纸厂为获得不同性能的产品使用不同添加剂和涂料。例如,碳酸钙可以减少纸张收缩并增白。
  • 制备横截面样品是研究其结构的好方法。电子图像及能谱面分布图的叠加图清晰显示不同层结构、镀层及添加剂的分布情况。


  • 在AZtecLive界面中可实时获得电子图像及元素面分布,一边移动样品观察其形貌变化,一边观察元素分布变化,直到移动至感兴趣的区域,使找样过程更加方便。
  • 点击了解更多AZtecLive信息





沪ICP备17031777号-1 公安机关备案号31010402003473