有关: 农业和食品
AZtecTEM 是一款专为透射电镜用EDS分析而设计的软件。 AZtecTEM 是一种用于表征纳米级材料的分析系统。凭借牛津仪器超过30年的TEM技术经验,Aztec几乎可以满足您对TEM新一代EDS系统的任何需求。
AZtecLiveOne software platform is the ideal solution for carrying out a complex task like EDS as quickly and as easily as possible. No need for substantial training or advanced knowledge…
INCAEnergy+结合了WDS的灵敏度、分辨率和EDS的生产率、易用性。 INCAWave软件提供了WDS的灵敏度、分辨率,并提高了生产率。
The compact Xplore Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) is the ideal detector for routine EDS analysis in the SEM. The introduction of Xplore complements Oxford Instruments comprehensive…